1 ticket puts you in for 72 cash prizes a year
Newcastle West Town FC has just launched a new monthly club draw. The NCW Town FC 50/50 draw is unique as members who purchase a single annual ticket are entered into a monthly draw, 12 draws a year for a single ticket costing €100. Prize money is based on ticket sales, 50% of all monies raised are paid out in cash prizes, ranging from €100 minimum to €2,500 in our bumper draws that take place 3 times a year.

Entry to the draw works out at less than €10 per month, the equivalent of €2 per week and is payable in advance to any of NCW Town FC’s 50/50 Draw officers. For ease of payment, you can also pay online, using ClubForce. You can pay €100 up front or spread the payments over 10 months. All members of the draw must pay in advance in order to be included in the draw and retain their number in the 50/50 Draw.
ALL FUNDS GO DIRECTLY to supporting soccer in Newcastle West
50% of the income from the 50/50 Draw will be invested in the development of playing facilities, coaching staff and equipment in the NCW Town FC soccer club. The other 50% will be paid out in prize money to the 50/50 Draw members.
This is an incredible opportunity to become involved in, not only an amazing monthly draw, but also to support your local soccer club.
All enquiries about the 50/50 Draw should be directed to Martin Smallwood 087-9272016 or NCWTown@gmail.com“>NCWTown@gmail.com